Our Causes

Babies - Enable

Mothers & Babies

Between 15% and 45% of HIV-positive women who are not accessing treatment will pass the virus on to their babies. We have cut the transmission rate to babies to close to zero. How?

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Children - Bright Start


Early childhood is a critical stage of development that forms the foundation for children’s future learning, relationships and wellbeing. 90% of children’s critical brain development happens by the age of 5 years. Find out how we are supporting children to reach their full potential.

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Adolescents - Better Together


The teenage years are ones of change and challenge. This is even more true for adolescents living with chronic illness. Learn more about how we have partnered with Groote Schuur Hospital to offer peer-led adolescent support groups that help teens cope with their illnesses on a physical, psychological and social level.

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[trx_call_to_action style=”2″ align=”left” title=”Donate Today to Help a Child Survive and Thrive” link=”https://www.onetooneafrica.org/donations/once-off-donation/” link_caption=”Single Donation” link2=”https://www.onetooneafrica.org/monthly-donation/” link2_caption=”Regular Donation” top=”small” bottom=”huge”][/trx_call_to_action]